【イベント / Event】Realizing Neurodiversity Potential 〜ニューロダイバーシティ・ポテンシャルへの実現に向けて〜


We invite you to a special workshop featuring visiting experts in neurodiversity. This event offers insight into the diverse experiences and perspectives of neurodivergent individuals. By exploring cognitive diversity, we aim to develop a deeper understanding that can contribute to a more inclusive society. Join us to expand your perspective, enhance empathy, and consider ways to create environments where neurodiversity is respected and valued.

プログラム / Agenda:




Talk by Daniel Maskit "Neurodivergence: An Inside Perspective"

This talk aims to explore the lived experiences of neurodivergent individuals, offering a perspective that goes beyond clinical definitions and diagnostic criteria. By centering on personal narratives and first-hand accounts, the talk will delve into the unique cognitive processes, sensory experiences, and emotional landscapes that characterize neurodivergence. The goal is to encourage a more nuanced understanding of neurodivergent individuals as they navigate the world from the inside out.



パネル・ディスカッション『子どもたちの将来 〜ポテンシャル開花の事例紹介〜』


Panel Discussion "Future of Our Children: Introducing Cases of Potential Realized"

Parents often wonder about their children's prospects. In this enlightening session, Professor Mizuko Ito and Dr. Jamie Galpin will share inspiring stories of children who have unlocked their hidden potential. Through real-world examples, they'll explore how diverse talents and abilities can flourish given the right support and opportunities.





Workshop "Mapping of Neurodiverse-Friendly Places in Tokyo"

Facilitated by Rua M. Williams, Ph.D., participants will locate Neurodiverse-friendly places, incl. cafes, restaurants, hotels, parks, hospitals, etc.


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