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NPO法人ニューロダイバーシティでは、子どもたち一人ひとりに豊かな学びと育ちの場を提供し、ニューロダイバーシティの考え方を広く発信していくために、さまざまな取り組みを進めています。 スクール運営とコミュニティづくりを通じて教育と社会の変革を推進する、その実現にはみなさまからのご支援が欠かせません。私たちのミッションや今後の構想にご理解・ご賛同をいただき、ご寄付によるご協力をお願い申し上げます。
At Neurodiversity NPO, we are advancing various initiatives to provide each child with a rich learning and nurturing environment and widely spread the movement of neurodiversity. Promoting educational and social transformation through school management and community-building requires support from everyone. We appreciate your understanding and support of our mission and future vision, and we kindly request your cooperation through donations to help achieve this goal.
目的 / Purpose
To establish and maintain educational/support environments and cover operational expenses.
To enhance scholarship programs.
To fund practical research and PR activities related to neurodiversity.
寄付先 / Recipient
NPO法人ニューロダイバーシティ / Neurodiversity NPO
ご寄付のお礼 / Return of your donations
ニュースレター / Newsletter
イベントへのご招待 / Invitation to our events
How to make a donation
個人の方 / For individuals
Monthly Supporter: You can donate a fixed amount every month.
Supporter: You can make a donation whenever you like.
法人の方 / For corporations
We only accept donations via bank transfer. Please apply through the "DONATION FORM".
We also ask for your support in a wide range of ways, including donations and partnerships. If you are interested, please contact at