Creating a “New Standard“

About us

At Neurodiversity NPO, we promote educational and social transformation through our school operation (NSIT: Neurodiversity School in Tokyo) and community-building initiatives. We aim to reimagine education, society, and culture, creating a "new standard" where diversity is truly respected and celebrated.

We deeply believe in the unlimited potential and inherent worth of every child. By nurturing children's unique strengths, sharing in their joy, learning together, and continuously pursuing positive change, we strive to realize a society where everyone's individuality can flourish and shine.

Our Message

Cultivating Personal and Collective Potential

We envision a world where each person's unique talents and potential can flourish and be fully utilized. To achieve this, we believe it's crucial to cultivate rich, nurturing environments for children and society as a whole.

Every individual possesses a distinct set of strengths and challenges. By leveraging our collective strengths and supporting each other's growth area, we can unlock limitless possibilities—not just in business and education, but across all facets of society.

We recognize that neurodiverse individuals, in particular, harbor immense untapped potential. Failing to nurture and harness this potential represents a significant loss, both for these individuals and for society at large.

Breaking Free from Standardized Values

Modern society has long adhered to the belief that "standardized individuals" are "valuable." However, this mindset risks burying diverse talents and abilities.

Valuing only those deemed "useful" to society and the economy can lead to the exclusion of those considered "less useful." Such oversimplification classification ignores the rich tapestry of human diversity and individuality, ultimately limiting our society's true potential.

We need to reconsider what is truly important for everyone. Isn't it to be loved and accepted by those around us, to be recognized for who we are, and above all, to find genuine happiness in our own lives?

The Power of "Extended Family" and Community

Our mission is to create a society that embraces diverse children with understanding and care, while also supporting parents and caregivers. The key to achieving this vision lies in the concept of an "extended family," where the responsibility of child-rearing is shared by society as a whole.

We aim to transcend traditional family boundaries and foster communities that collectively nurture children's growth. This approach goes beyond mere childcare support; it cultivates a culture where families, communities, and society at large come together to contemplate and shape our present and future.

We are committed to steadily progressing towards a resilient and vibrant society—one that respects diversity and empowers every child to flourish in their unique way.


Organization Name: Neurodiversity NPO

Address: 2-40-4 Kotakecho, Nerima-ku, Tokyo


  • Certified as a Specified Nonprofit Organization by the Cabinet Office: December 11, 2023

  • Registration Completed, Incorporation as a Legal Entity: December 25, 2023

Representative Directors: Joichi Ito and Rizuki Matsumoto

Executive Director: Harumi Kachi